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DMC Crimping tool

Traditional crimping tool
Crimping pliers model: AF8 M22520/1-01; AFM8 M22520/2-01; WA27F, WA22P, WA22, WA23, HX4

Crimping tool box
The workload of wire processing system is constructed, the selection and use of the relevant tools has become a disturbing, system maintenance technicians to master the system in a very large number of perplexing connection end and repair operation of the tool, it is almost impossible. Therefore, DMC company after years of research, design and production of a series of toolbox, is committed to solving this complicated thing.

Toolbox features:
Contains all the components necessary: crimping tool, module, terminal, installation, disassembly tools, measuring tools, tools, wire connectors and other tools and components.

Provide complete data:

The tools are placed in a toolbox in a neat and orderly manner, each of which has a fixed position, which is convenient for the technician to count and take the tools. The foam filler in the tool box is used to protect the tool to avoid the damage of foreign objects.

Digital crimping tool
Digital pressure DMC company launched a new tool, built-in digital chip, can record each crimp data, and through the infrared transmission to the computer, crimping user tracking data for each product.


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